تراجع تعبئة الساخنة (HDG) هي عملية غمس الصلب ملفقة في غلاية أو ضريبة القيمة المضافة التي تحتوي على الزنك المنصهر. العملية بسيطة بطبيعتها الذي يوفر ميزة واضحة على الطرق الأخرى الحماية من التآكل. في حين أن الصلب هو في غلاية, the iron in the steel metallurgically reacts with the molten zinc to form a tightly-bonded alloy coating that provides superior corrosion protection to steel.
أنابيب الصلب المجلفن, hot-dip galvanized and galvanized two kinds, hot-dip galvanized coating thick, zinc plating cost is low, the surface is not very smooth.
سمك الجدار الاسمي: mm2.0, 2.5, 2.8, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8, 4.0, 4.5;
Coefficients: c1.064, 1.051, 1.045, 1.040, 1.036, 1.034, 1.032, 1.028. ملاحظة: تعتبر الخاصية الميكانيكية للصلب مؤشرًا مهمًا لضمان الاستخدام النهائي للصلب, والتي تعتمد على التركيب الكيميائي ونظام المعالجة الحرارية. في معيار الأنابيب الفولاذية, وفقًا لمتطلبات الاستخدام المختلفة, خصائص الشد (مقاومة الشد, كثافة الخضوع أو نقطة العائد, استطالة) وكذلك الصلابة, مؤشر المتانة, ومتطلبات المستخدم من أداء درجات الحرارة العالية والمنخفضة.
Specification for galvanized pipe steels: Q215A;q215b;Q235A;Q235B
The test pressure value is/mpa:d10.2-168.3mm 3mpa;d177.8-323.9mm 5Mpa. A hot-dip galvanized tube is an alloy layer that reacts with a molten metal to a iron-based body, thus combining the substrate and the coating. Hot-Dip Galvanizing is the first steel pipe pickling, in order to remove iron oxide on the surface of the steel tube, after pickling, through ammonium chloride or zinc chloride aqueous solution or ammonium chloride and zinc chloride mixed water solution trough cleaning, and then into the hot dip bath. Hot-Dip galvanizing has the advantages of uniform coating, strong adhesion and long service life. The complex physical and chemical reaction of the steel tube matrix and molten plating solution forms a close zinc-iron alloy layer with corrosion resistance. The alloy layer blends with the pure zinc layer and the steel tube matrix.
ولذلك, its corrosion resistance is strong.
1, the uniformity of galvanized coating: steel tube specimen in copper sulfate solution continuous impregnation 5 times not to red (copper-plated)
2, سطح جودة: Galvanized steel pipe surface should be a complete galvanized layer, no plating on the black spots and bubbles exist, allowing a small rough surface and local zinc tumors exist. 3, Galvanized coating weight: According to demand side requirements, galvanized steel pipe can be used for zinc coating weight measurement, the average should be no less than 500g/square meters, of which any sample shall not be less than 480g/square meters.
Hot Dip Galvanized and Related Finishing Methods
Pipeline System provides standard finishing methods for tubing and pipes. We do offer metal tubing and pipe products in aluminum and steel (contact us about alloys). Our most common finishing methods include:
Plain steel and powder coated finishings
Standard hot dip galvanized methodologies (Galvanneal, G-60 and G-90)
الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ
Flo-Form Galvanized Angle – unique process using our triple-coat process is superior to hot dipped galvanized methods
Gatorshield and Zinc Flo-Coat – coating is applied in-line on the tube mill providing the most corrosion protection over any other method of zinc coating, zinc coating is 99.99% pure zinc (virtually lead free), secondary conversion coating application, and an organic clear polymer coating is then applied
GatorStitch – using the Gatorshield/Zinc Flo-Coat
Triple-coat Process – our innovative, proprietary solution for highly durable coatings for products to be used outdoors or in corrosive environments
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